During the meeting of the employment, and there is a good opportunity on you that she your level was asked about the current and expected in the compensation . Here  S The Way To Handle The Following Questions : and to you a way to deal with the next issues :
 Question: What are you currently earning? The question : what gained the current time ?
Answer: “My compensation, including bonus, is in the high-forties. The answer :  my compensations are, including a reward, in the forties a high . Im expecting my annual review next month, and that should put me in the low-fifties. I expect yearly and show next month, and that it is necessary that put me in the fifties the low .
 Question: What sort of money would you need to come to work here? The question : a kind of the money is what needs to me they come for the working here ?
Answer: “I feel that the opportunity is the most important issue, not salary. The answer :  I feel that the opportunity is the most important issue, and is not the salary . If we decide to work together, Im sure youll make me a fair offer. And if we decided to work together, and I am sure that you will make me a presentation fair  .
In the answer to the first question, notice the way a range was given, not a specific dollar figure. In the answer to the first question, he noticed the way that took place on a group basis, is not a specific personality the dollar . However, in a situation in which the interviewer presses for a exact answer, then by all means, be precise, in terms of salary, bonus, benefits, expected increase, and so forth. Despite that, in the situation that reduces the meeting about the answer exactly then by all of the means, is small, in terms of the salary, the raises and the merits, it is expected to increase and so alternately .
With respect to the second question, if the interviewer tries to zero in on your expected compensation, you should also suggest a range, as in, “I would need something in the

The money and what inside it (him)

I remember sitting around with my friends, back in elementary school, talking about money.  We would all talk about how great it would be to have lots of money and even discuss ideas on how to start making money.  We talked about making wooden novelties in my Dad's workshop and selling them door-to-door, trading and selling baseball cards, starting a leaf-raking business, and more.  The subject of money got us excited and started our pre-teen creative juices flowing.  As the years went by, we spoke less and less of money until our adult lives when it became a taboo subject.  What happened?
By most adults' standards of etiquette, money is a subject that should not be discussed openly among friends or other peers.  Why?  For most people, in their adult lives, money is an unpleasant subject.  This is because they don't have enough of it.  In fact, one of the top reasons married couples argue is because of financial difficulties and other strains that lack of money both directly and indirectly cause.  Since it is generally not considered good etiquette to discuss any subject that makes others feel uncomfortable or even depressed, the subject of money has become taboo.

Subject of Money