Al Fourks by the English ******** is a shortening that Foreign Exchange talked, a discussion by the foreign currency, and he is practically the change of its work appointed to its work other targeting the profit than the prices difference between both currencies, for example the purchase of the euro is against the dollar or the purchase of a Sterling against a Japanese yen .
Al Fourks market is the biggest market in the world where the result of the daily circulation comes to four trillion dollars ! He by its water a time increased Al Nasdak stock exchange .
The main idea to discuss by the foreign currencies is practically a same the principles of any other kind from the trade, that she buys in a cheap price and hence the selling in a high price or the selling by a high price and the purchase by a price cheaper than the sale price, when we expect the rise of its work specific we purchase it and when we expect to fall its work prices other we its sell being the current price high relatively to the future price ( the one that the discussed expects ) .
The market work times
Al Fourks market is open 24 hours are everyday its one fifth days in the week where the market starts on Sunday, the movement starts the Australian continent and trade in the market ends on Friday when she closes the American stock exchange, the biggest World Trade Centers is present in Tokyo, London, and New York .
The discussion of an Al Fourks is always by the selling or the purchase of currencies pairs, its work of its president strong against its work of its less values from the main currency . In this market always Mshtrouon and seller will find, specific to this what distinguishes Al Fourks market or the market of the foreign currencies with the balance, versus each landing in its work she a rise will strive in its work other, with the reverse of the stock market, when its values drop the shares a rise doesn't face it in another arrow because the discussion by the shares is an indivi


The US dollar ended dealings last week on an extremely slight decrease against the other main currencies and from advantages last week that it was clear greatly the euro effect extent / a US dollar on the performance of the US dollar indication, whereas the rest of the husbands have been marked by big decrease in the trading volumes related to them and that to approach the year end and it is the time in which that period is marked by decrease in the liquidity sizes greatly, and a general image, it, at the view to the rest of the husbands, the pound represented / a US dollar or the US dollar / a Japanese yen or the US dollar are / a Swiss franc or the Australian dollar / a US dollar, we will find that all those husbands didn't witness a noticeable rise in the activity and that is to approach the vacations season greatly during the new week .

In fact, it at the view to the special probabilities of the fate of the US dollar next period, we will find that it whether the trend within the next week was ascending or low, it won't be important greatly, whereas the probabilities will be low totally in terms of the ability of defining the trend expecting the currency during the new week, the matter that means that it is expected to decrease the oscillation rates greatly during the last week from the year clearly, With the exception of the euro / a US dollar that may occupy a big part from the dealers cares in the market within weeks, and we should notice an important thing now, that the currencies market is the only market from the financial markets that around the world the stop of the dealing in it not enable any financial enterprise, for example some of the enterprises may stop in the dealing about the stock market or the bonds during the period of the vacations, but the currencies market it's not possible to stop the dealing

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