World banks head for investment in the gold for the compensation of their losses

The changes of the economic conditions made of the gold and investment by it he delayed the orphanages that the investors may resort to get with a good deal of the withstanding or the safety from the successive losses that injured many of the economic powers around the world, these changes led to the non- the stability of the prices of gold between today and other .
The gold prices have witnessed in the past two months a non preceded rise where the prices rose to about 33 % from what she was on it before that where surpassing ounce gold price March beginning to more than 1000 US dollars to ounce, and that led to the encouragement of the economy experts around the world to the bet by all that possess in the stock exchange, until they became the gold and investment by it the only way is to some for the compensation of their successive losses due to the financial crisis .
The economy experts say that Spdr which is an investment fund in the gold markets is considered the seventh in terms of the force between investment funds in the world where the total box value reaches 30 billion dollars and at the beginning of year 2009 the value of this fund increased by the ratio of 23 % increasingly with a value of 7.5 billion dollars so that he becomes by that in the second rank in New York stock exchange after S & P in terms of number Al Tdoualat .
The economy experts say that some investment banks increased their income at a high rate after their investment in the gold field Skouti's bank is the Canadian bank he increased its income during the last months from last year by a ratio with a value of 36 % by what equals 159 million dollars, and other banks tried to walk behind that bank and for example Ups bank and Hsbc bank where he is estimated the properties of Hsbc bank from the gold about 1000 tons, where the bank declared its readiness for investment by this amount for the compensation of the loss that she befell due to the previous financial crisis .

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