The rodents and the believing loans

What it is the rodents ?
The rodents are the creatures capable of the loan .
What it is the loans ?
The loans are debts that the boxes, the banks, the banks and the charitable social enterprises grant, to two citizens or to organizations or until to countries . She is very important in the life to the extent of that it is said :  no life without loans !, who didn't live on the borrowing he lives on the lending . This is correct on our country as is correct on the world countries . This and grants the loans in our country - a counting - general banks  specialized , and that is to generality of citizens, merchants, the industrialists, the large owners and the professionals .
An observation : recently the loans are granted from the special banks ( to who its monthly income doesn't decrease less than thirty seven thousand Syrian liras only !).
What it is the rodents styles ?
To the rodents a many only style is the loan .
What it is the loans styles ?
The loans styles are various and many, from them the agricultural and industrial and commercial and real-estate and personal and professional and functional and the car, the marriage, … and …, and this all takes place in a regular way with the satisfaction of the parties, nevertheless that there are styles taking place from a single party, as if one of them borrows with the secrecy a state of its headquarters fund or its founder, then he aims it at ease . This movement may carry out it countries, as America that  borrows  the moneys of the Gulf and Iraqi oil so that she finances its losing wars field and political, winning and financial, because it doesn't repay a thing from what she borrows !. what it is the rodents benefits ? the most important benefits of the rodents is the loan . what it is the loans benefits ? the loans benefits are many . and in our country in particular big and high . what it is the rodents advantages ? I prefer the rodents advantages it is the loan . what it is the loans advantages ? the

What it is the rodents disadvantages ?
The rodents disadvantages concerned it is the loan .
What it is the loans disadvantages ?
Its disadvantages are not counted and she is not counted . First  the drying  of the loan seeker blood at the stage of the presentation of the request and its pursuit then at the stage of the repayment of the installments . Second feeling the unjust discrimination between the citizens, where some of them fold its loan in the same of the day of the presentation of the request or within days or a week at most, while their other some except after months fold, and some of them he doesn't receive at all .
An illustrative note :
The rodents she a wide section includes the banks employees starting from the doorkeepers until the managers, in addition to their keys and their brokers, and their covers from the officials with the higher positions, and she includes sometimes countries and governments by their amount His Majesty, and all these are distinguished by their ability of the loan, and the loan here he means the bite, and the bite here is - a counting - by the hand, and he is not by mouth, and your understanding of a sufficiency !.

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